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The economist

Event design & execution
Australia, Singapore market

The Economist is an international weekly newspaper printed in magazine format and published digitally, focusing on current affairs, international business, politics, and technology. 

Design services I have provided for The Economist include:

-- Event planning and mockup design

-- Souvenir Design

-- Print out poster Design

-- Props Design

Type:      Event design
Clients:   The Economist,

              The Catalyst Agency Hong Kong


▼   Singapore (2019)


▼   Melbourne (2019)

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event design & execution

 Create 2D and 3D mockups in Adobe PS & AI and Rhino, for presentation to clients and for approval by the venue.


^ 3D rendering mockup made in Rhino

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^ Food pushcart in perspective

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Souvenir design

The Economist is predicting that eating insects will be the future trend of human food, the marketing team and I designed this cricket food packaging collection as a souvenir to create a strong, positive impression on the visitors.

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^ Cricket Tortilla Chips packaging design:


^ Cricket Ice cream packaging design:

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^ Burger & wrap packaging design

Setup design

Cooperating with the marketing, production, logistic and HR teams of the chosen locations, we turned ideas into mockups and finally made it happen!

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